BKS Webinar: Kazakhstan and UK - Collaboration in the Agri/Veterinary Sectors
British-Kazakh Society AgriBusiness Group hosted a webinar on the veterinary sector in Kazakhstan and UK. This webinar looked at the current state of the veterinary sector in Kazakhstan and in the UK and highlight possible collaboration opportunities. The speakers discussed recent developments and trends in the sector.
Douglas Townsend - Fellow, BKS
DBT Welcome:
Meruyert Kairbekova - UK DBT, Agriculture Sector Lead for Kazakhstan
Rob Grinnall - Veterinary Consultant, UK Export Certification Partnership
Rob Grinnall - Veterinary Consultant, UK Export Certification Partnership - "The Vets Role in Sustainable Agriculture"
Nina Davies - Chief International Officer, Royal Veterinary College. London - "International veterinary education collaboration for sector development"
Bauryzhan Kurmanov - Deputy Director of the Kazakhstan Veterinary Chamber - "Improving the competence of veterinary specialists for the prevention of pets disease"
Sarsenbay Abdrakhmanov - Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Kazakhstan Agrotechnical State University
“Veterinary education and science in the Republic of Kazakhstan”