BKS Webinar: Mining in Kazakhstan - Processing Requirements Prior to Export: Potential Changes
British-Kazakh Society Mining group hosted a webinar in cooperation with UK Department for Business Trade. This webinar focused on the minerals processing requirements prior to export in Kazakhstan. Speakers discussed such topics as investment climate in the mining and metallurgical complex of Kazakhstan, current legislation standards, and industry considerations. The event was chaired by David Skeels (BKS, Director).
David Skeels - BKS, Director
UK DBT Welcome:
Assel Zhambulatova - Eastern Europe & Central Asia Regional Critical Minerals Lead, UK Department of Business and Trade, Astana
Mike Beare - Managing Director, Mike Beare Associates Ltd, Almaty
Ruslan Baimishev - President, KZ Chamber of Mines, Astana - "Investment climate in the mining and metallurgical complex of Kazakhstan. Challenges and development prospects"
Almat Daumov - Partner, GRATA International Law Firm, Astana - "An opinion on the current legislation"
Maxim Kononov - First Deputy Executive Director, AGMP, Astana - “Industry considerations on recent and anticipated amendments to the mining legislation”